Write an application to the General Manager requesting him to provide internet connection to your desktop computer.


 30 March 2025

The General Manager
Bangladesh House Building and Finance Corporation.
Purana Palton, Dhaka, 1000.

Subject: Application for providing internet connection.

Dear Sir,
I, with all modesty, would like to inform you of the fact that the Internet has become a common business tool used by almost all companies today. The Internet has become a necessity. The capabilities brought forth by the discovery of the internet seem endless and consistently increasing. The power of the internet has led to more and more means of discovering better ways of living and more profound solutions to worldly dilemmas. It is a matter of great sorrow that I have no internet connection in my office, and hence my everyday work is being seriously hampered.

May I therefore pray and hope that you would be kind enough to grant my prayer and oblige thereby.

Sincerely yours
Enamul Hossen
Officer, BHBFC.

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