Slow and Steady Wins the Race - Story


 There lived a hare in a forest. He could run fast and so he was proud of his speedy movement. In the same forest there was also a tortoise. The hare always teased the tortoise for his slow movement. However one day the tortoise challenged the hare in a competition. The hare was very amused at this. They fixed a date. A fox was told to direct the race. All the beasts of the forest came to enjoy it. The race began at just time. The hare ran a few miles within a short time. The tortoise was far behind. So, the hare decided to sleep for some time. The tortoise, however, moved continuously. He saw the hare sleeping in a bush. He quietly went past him. The hare woke up and saw that it was about evening. He began to run heart and soul. But when he reached the destination, he saw that the tortoise had already reached there. The hare was very disappointed and understood that slow and steady wins the race.

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