An Extensive Guide to Monetag Ad Network Revenue

 In today’s digital age, monetizing websites, blogs, and other online platforms has become a significant source of income for many entrepreneurs, content creators, and web developers. Among the various ad networks that offer monetization solutions, Monetag, stands out as an increasingly popular option for both small and large publishers.

Monetag, formerly known as Propeller Ads, offers a wide range of monetization solutions to help publishers generate consistent revenue from their websites, apps, and other online platforms. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore how to earn from the Monetag ad network, delving into its features, strategies for maximizing revenue, and a detailed breakdown of how it compares to other ad networks.

Table of Contents

1. What is Monetag? 2. How Monetag Works i. Types of Ads Offered ii. Ad Formats Overview 3. Getting Started with Monetag i. Signing Up for Monetag ii. Website Approval Process 4. Best Monetag Ad Formats to Maximize Earnings i. OnClick Popunder Ads ii. Native Ads iii. Push notifications iv. Direct Links v. In-page push ads 5. Strategies for Maximizing Revenue on Monetag i. Optimizing Website Traffic ii. Geo-Targeting and Localization iii. User Experience and Ad Placement iv. Testing and Optimizing Ad Formats 6. Understanding Monetag’s Payment System i. Revenue Models (CPC, CPM, CPA) ii. Payment methods and frequency 7. Monetag vs. Other Ad Networks 8. Pros and Cons of Monetag i. AdSense vs. Monetag ii. Monetag vs. Ezoic iii. Monetag vs. 9. Monetag for Mobile and App Developers 10. Challenges and Common Pitfalls to Avoid 11. Final Thoughts: Is Monetag Right for You?

1. What is Monetag?

Monetag is an ad network that offers various monetization tools and ad formats tailored to publishers looking to earn money from their digital properties. It is part of the broader shift toward more flexible and dynamic monetization solutions that cater to a wide range of platforms, including websites, mobile apps, and browser extensions.

Monetag has gained popularity due to its user-friendly interface, wide range of ad formats, and ease of use for both beginners and experienced publishers. Unlike traditional ad networks that rely heavily on display ads, Monetag offers innovative ad formats such as push notifications, pop-unders, and native ads, making it a versatile platform for monetizing various types of content and audiences.

2. How Monetag Works

Monetag operates as a middleman between publishers (website or app owners) and advertisers. Advertisers create ad campaigns targeting specific audiences, while publishers make ad space available on their platforms. Monetag then connects the two, serving the right ads to the right users.

Types of Ads Offered

Monetag’s primary offerings include various ad formats designed to maximize engagement and, consequently, earnings. These ad types cater to different user behaviors and preferences, giving publishers the flexibility to select formats that best fit their audience.

  • OnClick Popunder Ads: These are highly effective and generate revenue every time a user clicks on a link or button on your site, triggering a new browser tab or window with the advertiser's content.
  • Native Ads: Designed to blend seamlessly with your site’s content, native ads are less intrusive and are known for their high engagement rates.
  • Push Notifications: Monetag enables push notification advertisements to be delivered directly to users' devices, generating a consistent income stream even when they are not on the website.
  • Direct Links: These are unique URLs that you can place anywhere on your site. When users click on the link, they are directed to an advertiser’s landing page.
  • In-Page Push Ads: Designed to resemble push notifications, these ads are particularly suitable for desktop and mobile traffic because they are embedded within the website content.

3. Getting Started with Monetag

Before diving into the various strategies to optimize your earnings, you need to understand how to set up Monetag on your website or platform.

Signing Up for Monetag

Signing up for Monetag is a straightforward process:

  • Visit the Monetag Website: Head to and sign up as a publisher.
  • Provide Your Website Details: Fill in your website’s URL, traffic statistics, and content niche.
  • Verification: Monetag will review your website to ensure it complies with their terms and conditions, including traffic quality, content restrictions, and more.

Website Approval Process

Monetag does not have overly stringent approval processes compared to platforms like Google AdSense. However, they do have some basic requirements that your site must meet, including:

  • Content Quality: Your website must have original and non-offensive content. Adult sites or websites promoting illegal content may not be accepted.
  • Traffic Volume: Although Monetag does not specify a minimum traffic requirement, having a reasonable amount of daily visitors will increase your chances of approval and improve your earning potential.
  • Design and Functionality: Your website should be functional and have a user-friendly design.

Once your website is approved, you can start placing ads and earning revenue.

4. Best Monetag Ad Formats to Maximize Earnings

The best ad formats and their workings must be understood if you wish to optimize your Monetag earnings.

OnClick Popunder Ads

One of the best formats that Monetag provides is OnClick Popunder advertisements. These ads trigger when a user clicks anywhere on your website. They do not interfere with users' browsing experience; instead, they open a new tab in the background so they can keep on.

  • Advantages: High engagement rates, no impact on user experience, works on both desktop and mobile.
  • Disadvantages: May be blocked by some browsers or ad blockers.

Native Ads

Native ads appear as part of the natural content on your website, making them less intrusive. They are particularly useful for content-heavy websites such as blogs, news platforms, and niche sites.

  • Advantages: High user engagement, less intrusive, can be tailored to blend with your site’s design.
  • Disadvantages: Requires strategic placement for maximum effectiveness.

Push Notifications

Push notification ads allow you to continue earning from visitors even after they have left your website. Once a user subscribes to receive notifications, you can send them ad-related messages directly to their browser or mobile device.

  • Advantages: Long term revenue potential, high click-through rates (CTR), ideal for returning visitors.
  • Disadvantages: Can lead to user frustration if overused, requires user opt-in.

Direct Links

Direct links are a versatile ad format that allows you to place clickable URLs anywhere on your site. When users click on these links, they are taken to an advertiser’s page, and you earn money for every click.

  • Advantages: Flexible placement, can be embedded within text or call-to-action buttons.
  • Disadvantages: Requires creative placement to avoid appearing spammy.

In-Page Push Ads

While they appear directly within the content of your website, in-page push ads are similar to traditional push notifications. These ads are suitable for both mobile and desktop users and don’t require users to opt-in.

  • Advantages: Suitable for all platforms, no need for user subscription, highly visible.
  • Disadvantages: Can be intrusive if not placed thoughtfully.

5. Strategies for Maximizing Revenue on Monetag

While using Monetag is straightforward, maximizing your revenue requires a mix of traffic optimization, strategic ad placements, and understanding your audience.

Optimizing Website Traffic

Making sure your website receives a consistent stream of high-quality traffic is one of the most important things you can do to maximize your profits. Monetag's ad formats perform best when exposed to large and engaged audiences.

  • Organic Traffic: Focus on improving your search engine optimization (SEO) to drive organic traffic. Target high-value keywords and create quality content that attracts a loyal user base.
  • Paid Traffic: Consider using paid traffic sources like Google Ads, Facebook Ads, or social media promotions to boost your traffic. However, ensure that the cost of acquiring traffic is lower than the potential earnings from Monetag ads.

Geo-Targeting and Localization

Monetag allows you to geo-target your ads, meaning you can show specific ads to users based on their location. This is a useful feature because certain regions generate higher CPMs (Cost Per Thousand Impressions) than others.

  • Focus on Tier 1 Countries: Countries such as the US, UK, Canada, and Australia typically have higher CPM rates compared to Tier 2 and Tier 3 countries. If your website has an international audience, consider segmenting your traffic and display different ad formats accordingly.
  • Localized Content: To accommodate various geographic areas, try to make localized versions of your website. This will help improve user engagement and boost the relevance of the ads shown.

User Experience and Ad Placement

Ad placements and user experience must be balanced. Overloading your site with too many ads can drive users away and reduce overall engagement, leading to lower earnings.

  • Strategic Placement: Place ads in high-traffic areas of your site, such as above-the-fold sections or within content. However, avoid overwhelming users with ads, as this can negatively impact the user experience.
  • Frequency Capping: Limit the frequency with which certain ads (like push notifications) are shown to users to prevent ad fatigue.

Testing and Optimizing Ad Formats

Experiment with different ad formats to see which ones resonate best with your audience. For instance, push notifications may work well on one site but not on another. Similarly, pop-under ads might generate higher revenue on certain traffic sources.

  • A/B Testing: Conduct A/B testing for ad placements, formats, and content to find the optimal combination for your audience.
  • Monitor Performance: Regularly review Monetag’s analytics to track your earnings and see which ads are performing best. Use this data to refine your strategy.

6. Understanding Monetag’s Payment System

To make the most out of Monetag, understanding its payment system is essential.

Revenue Models

Monetag primarily operates on three revenue models:

  • CPC (Cost Per Click): You earn money each time a user clicks on an ad.
  • CPM (Cost Per Thousand Impressions): You earn a fixed amount for every 1,000 ad impressions.
  • CPA (Cost Per Action): You earn money when a user performs a specific action, such as signing up for a service or making a purchase.

Payment Methods and Frequency

Monetag offers a variety of payment methods to accommodate different publishers:

  • Payment Methods: Payments can be made via PayPal, WebMoney, ePayments, Skrill, and bank transfers.
  • Payment Frequency: Payments are typically made on a net 30 basis, meaning you’ll be paid within 30 days of earning your revenue. However, Monetag offers faster payment options for larger publishers.

7. Comparing Monetag with Other Ad Networks

Pros and Cons of Monetag


  • Wide range of ad formats
  • Competitive CPM rates
  • Easy approval process
  • Fast payments for larger publishers


  • Some ad formats may be blocked by ad blockers.
  • Revenue potential depends heavily on traffic quality and location.

Monetag vs. AdSense
  • Ad Formats: AdSense focuses primarily on display ads, while Monetag offers more innovative formats such as pop-under and push notification ads.
  • Approval Process: Monetag has a more lenient approval process compared to Google AdSense.
  • Revenue: Monetag’s pop-under ads can sometimes generate higher earnings than AdSense’s display ads, but it depends on your traffic source.

Monetag vs. Ezoic
  • Customization: Ezoic provides advanced AI-driven ad placements that optimize revenue based on user behavior, while Monetag offers more manual control over ad placements.
  • Ad Formats: Ezoic focuses on display ads, while Monetag offers a broader range of ad formats like push notifications and pop-unders.

Monetag vs.
  • Niche: Monetag accepts a larger variety of publishers, including those with lower traffic volumes, whereas primarily serves premium publishers with an emphasis on contextual ads.
  • Ad Formats: focuses on display and native ads, while Monetag has more diverse ad formats like direct links and push notifications.

8. Monetag for Developers of Mobile and Apps

Monetag is not limited to website monetization. To make money off of their apps, mobile developers can also benefit from Monetag's ad formats. For example, push notifications work exceptionally well on mobile devices, offering high engagement rates and consistent revenue potential.

In order to provide users with non-intrusive ad experiences while earning money, mobile developers can also use Monetag's native ads or direct links.

9. Challenges and Common Pitfalls to Avoid

While Monetag offers a great platform for earning revenue, there are some challenges and common pitfalls that publishers should be aware of:

  • Ad Blockers: Some users may use ad blockers, reducing the effectiveness of certain ad formats like pop-unders.
  • Overloading Ads: Placing too many ads on your site can hurt the user experience, leading to higher bounce rates and lower overall engagement.
  • Low-Quality Traffic: Monetag's performance is highly dependent on the quality of traffic. If your site attracts low-quality traffic, especially from Tier 3 countries, your earnings may be lower.

10. Final Thoughts: Is Monetag Right for You?

Monetag provides publishers of all sizes with a variety of cutting-edge ad formats to help them monetize their websites and apps. Monetag offers flexible options for generating steady income, regardless of your level of experience as a publisher or blogger. These options include pop-under ads, push notifications, and native advertising.

Although there are certain difficulties with Monetag, particularly with regard to ad blockers and low-quality traffic, the platform's adaptability and user-friendliness make it a strong option for publishers trying to increase the variety of their revenue sources. By optimizing your traffic, strategically placing ads, and regularly testing and optimizing your ad formats, you can maximize your earnings with Monetag and create a sustainable revenue stream for your online business.

Monetag is a valuable addition to any monetization strategy, regardless of your level of experience with ad networks or your goals for growth.

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