Wonders Of Modern Science - Composition


 Today we are living in an age of science. Day and night, we make the use of innumerable discoveries and inventions of science.

Television is a wonderful modern invention. It brings the whole world closer. On television we hear not only news, but also enjoy music, dances, theaters, sports and games, interviews of great persons. It is part and parcel of the life of modern people.

Another wonder of modern science is the invention of computer. It works like Aladin's lamp. It can solve a great problem in a few seconds. It can take very quick and correct decisions. It has greatly eased our life.

The artificial satellite is another wonder of modern science. It is used for a variety of purposes. Each satellite is designed for a specific mission. Satellites are of different types such as weather satellites, earth satellites, communication satellites and navigation satellites. It is placed hundreds of thousands of miles away from the earth's surface. From there it observes the earth very efficiently and sends necessary information.

The mobile phone is another wonder of modern science. It is one of the latest editions of communication technology. It is a small telephone that can be carried in hand or pocket.

Besides these wonders, science has given a lot of wonders such as electricity, radio, telegraph, cinema, tape-recorder, photo copier, VCR, electric trains, cookers, irons, fans, sewing machine, various kinds of medical instruments and various kinds of weapons and so on. It has also invented wonderful medicines which can cure some fatal diseases.

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