Population Problem in Bangladesh - Composition


 Population problem is one of the most talked topics of the world now a days. It is a burning question of Bangladesh. In fact it can be termed as number one problem of the country. Demographers and economists have much interest in the relations of population growth and economic development. Economists are of the view that the population growth may have both positive and negative effects on the process of economic development. A good amount of developed, skilled human resource is the prerequisite for economic development. But Bangladesh has a large amount of unskilled and unplanned population according to it's area. Now the world has a population of above six hundred crores and the population of the world increasing day by day.

According to UNFPA, at present total population amount in Bangladesh is 16 crores and 22 lacs. Growth rate population is 1.4 percent.

The position according to density of population of Bangladesh in 7th in the world and 3rd in the Muslim world. So, following the feature we can say, excess population is a problem in Bangladesh. Though the population of a country may be asset, it becomes a problem when the country can not afford to give people the basic needs of life - food, clothing's, education, medicine and shelter. Agriculture of our country is still primitive. So the production of food crops is very low.

There are many causes of repaid growth of population. Early marriage and illiteracy rate are two important causes of the growth of population. Now a days owing to better much but on the other hand the birth rate is on the constant increase. SO ultimate effect in the population growth rate is high; more than two million people are being added to our population every year. It has now come to the position of explosion.

The area of Bangladesh is too small to support her vast population. As a result it creates the problem of food, communication, education, unemployment, shelter, health, medical and medicine, environmental pollution, poverty etc. We should all come forward to control it. All the evils that result from over population must be removed from our economy as early as possible to ensure smooth and steady economic growth. The following measures may be taken to control over population:

Family planning, education of the masses, stop early marriage, female labor force participation, redistribution of population, equitable distribution of national income, international migration, social security, public awareness etc.

After above and related discussion we may come to the conclusion that, over population is a great constraint in the way of progress and prosperity. Therefore, all the people of Bangladesh and the government should join hands to meet the crisis right at this moment before it is too late.

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