A Liar Cowboy and a Tiger - Story


 Once there was a liar cowboy in a village and he used to tell lies. He often made the villagers foolish by telling lies. One day, he was grazing (চরানো) his cattle (গরু-ছাগল) in a near by field. The field was near a deep forest and there lived wild animals in the forest. He wanted to make fun with the villagers. So, he began to shout, “Tiger! Tiger! Help! Help!” The villagers heard his cry and ran to help him.  But actually, there was no tiger. But when they came near him, they found no tiger there and the boy laughed at them. They villagers were fooled by the cunning boy. So, they went away. After a few days he made the same fun. The villagers came again to help him but found no wolf there.  he laughed (হেসে উঠলো) saying that there was no tiger. I made fun. He did the same thing three times to fool (বোকা বানানো) the villagers. Another day he went to the field with his cattle and it was almost evening. On the day a tiger attacked (অক্রমন করলো)him and his cattle. The boy became very afraid and cried for help. The villagers heard him but they thought it was his another fun. No one came to help him. elope thought that he was making fun too. He lost his life on the day because of telling a lie. 

Moral of the Story:
We should remember that we should never tell a lie because nobody believes a liar.

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