Literary Periods, Terms and Writers
1. Father of Blank Verse is...
Answer: Henry Howard
2. The author of the poem 'A Phoenix and the Turle' is...
Answer: William Shakespare
3. The first English Sonnet Sequence is...
Answer: Astrophel and Stella
4. 'History of Life And Death' was written by...
Answer: Francis Bacon
5. Comedy of humors is related to...
Answer: Medical theory
Author, Works and Type
1. The theme of the poem 'To Daffodils' is...
Answer: Short living of human being
2. Areopagitica advocates for the...
Answer: Freedom of writers, printings and publication.
3. The shortest book of 'Paradise Lost' is...
Answer: Book XII
4. The Elegy 'Lycidas' was written at the death of....
Answer: King Edward
5. Father of English prose is...
Answer: Francis Bacon
6. Art for humanity's sake was the literary ideal at age of...
Answer: The Neoclassical Period
7. Literary spirit at the age of Restoration was...
Answer: Satire
8. Crilicizing Shakespeare's drama 'The Tempest' John Dryden wrote...
Answer: The Enchante Island
9. Tragic play 'The Indian Emperor' was written by...
Answer: Dryden
10. William Congreve was famous for...
Answer: Comedy of Manners
11. 'An Essay on a Man' is a...
Answer: Poem
12. The first modern English novelist is...
Answer: Samuel Richardson
13. 'Joseph Andrews' was written by...
Answer: Henry Fielding
14. The write known as 'Shakespeare's critic' is...
Answer: Samuel Johnson
15. The poet known as 'Graveyard Poet' is...
Answer: Thomas Gray
16. The Proponent of 'Pantheism' is...
Answer: William Wordsworth
17. Poet of the poem 'The Solitary Reaper' is...
Answer: William Wordsworth
18. The poet known as opium eater is...
Answer: ST Coleridge
19. 'Child Harold' was written by...
Answer: Lord Byron
20. 'Promethenus Unbound' was written by...
Answer: PB Shelley
21. A Defense of Poetry was published in...
Answer: 1840
22. The central idea of literacy work...
Answer: Theme
23. Poetry without rhyme is...
Answer: Blank Verse
24. Imaginative narrative is prose...
Answer: Fiction
25. A famous English poet known as man of medicine is...
Answer: John Keats
1. 'Amusement' is the happiness to those who cannot think' was written by...
Answer: Alexander Pope
2. A wise man will make more opportunities than he find...
Answer: Francis Bacon
3. He who has never hoped can never despair...
Answer: GB Shaw
4. Patience is bitter but its fruit is sweeter...
Answer: Jean Jacques Roseau
5. Heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard are sweeter was hold by...
Answer: John Keats
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