1. The ‘IC’ chip, used in computers, is made of…
Answer: Silicon
2. A
kilobyte also referred to as KB, is equal to….
Answer: 1024 bytes
3. CPU
Answer: All Input, Output, Processing
4. Basic
building blocks for a digital circuit is…
Answer: Logic Gate
5. The first
computer mouse was built by…
Answer: Douglas Engelbart
6. One
advantage of dial-up-internet access is…
Answer: It utilizes existing telephone service
7. For move
to the bottom of a document, press…
Answer: Ctrl + End Key
8. Loading
Operating System onto RAM is called…
Answer: Booting
9. Instruction
and memory address are represented by…
Answer: Binary codes
10. Bold,
Italic, Regular are known as…
Answer: Font Styles
11. Provides
backup power is object of…
Answer: UPS
12. IBM is
nicknamed of…
Answer: Big Blue
13. ROM
tells the computer to…
Answer: Start up the operating system
Protocols are…
Answer: Sets of rules
15. A
connection of 8 bit is called…
Answer: bytes
16. Intel
and AMD are leaders in…
Answer: Processor
17. The
common name for the crime of stealing passwords is…
Answer: Spoofing
18. The
scrambling of code is known as…
Answer: Encryption
19. The
operating system is the most common type of…
Answer: System Software
Underlined text, such as text and folder names are referred to as…
Answer: Hyperlink
21. Running
multiple programs at the same time is called…
Answer: Multitasking
22. Desktop
is a…
Answer: Provides work space
23. The core
of operation system is…
Answer: Kernel
24. ‘Ctrl +
Page Down’ is used to…
Answer: Moves the cursor one page down
25. Portrait
and Landscape are…
Answer: Page Orientation
26. ‘Ctrl +
D’ shortcut key in Excel will…
Answer: Fill down the section
27. Getting
data from a cell located in different sheet is called…
Answer: Referencing
28. Any and
every command can be found on the…
Answer: Menu bar
29. The add
a Header/ Footer is Handout…
Answer: View-> Handout Master
30. The
maximum zoom percentage in Microsoft Powe Point is…
Answer: 4
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