Interview Preparation

Interview Preparation

 1. Dress Code: Dress code is most important for an interview. Candidates appearance (Whether bad or good) is going to give a potential employer pause. Perfect dress code make a positive first impression. On the other hand, bad dress code make a negative impression.

2. Enthusiasm:
Enthusiasm sales. Show enthusiasm by having a list of per-thought out questions, By being dynamic, outgoing & warm. Always ask for job?

3. Prepare These List of: Prepare minimum 10 main point about rights and major challenge that job, how position offers visible. Also prepare some point about reasons for this job interest.

4. Do Your Homework:
Find out everything about this organization also about their service and products. Its customers. Its products. Its opportunities prior to interview.

5. So What:
As candidate speak in therms of tangible benefits of company. Money saved, problems solved, products created, also about new products.

6. Body Language: Always use you eye contact. Also keep your energy level up. Be confident in your answers from interview to interview & remain enthusiastic no matter what.

7. Job Changes: Keep changes to past job. Don't give blaming or no complaining about your previous job or company. Because it take a major reason or make decision take interviewer.

8. Testimonials: Provide you sample/ letters of success place of life. From where you get honor and why get you promotion. Try to provide some time when you get opportunity.

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