Preparation of Literature for BCS

Preparation of Literature

Literary Periods, Terms and Writers

1. The time span of Anglo Saxon period...
   Answer: 450 to 1066 AD
2. Symbolism and Sensuousness are the feature of...
   Answer: Victorian Age
3. The ending part of a drama is known as...
   Answer: Epilogue
4. A part of something which is used to signify the whole...
   Answer: Synecdoche
5. John Donne was a poet of...
   Answer: Caroline Age

Authors, Works and Type

1. Alexandre Dumas is a famous writer from...
   Answer: France
2. Francis Bacon belonged to...
   Answer: Sixteenth Century
3. The writer of 'To Daffodils'...
   Answer: Robert Herrick
4. The part of a long poem is...
   Answer: Canto
5. If a part of a speech breaks the theme is known as..
   Answer: Digression
6. Cordelia is a character from...
   Answer: King Lear
7. Short absence quickens love, long absence kills it found in...
   Answer: Tempest
8. To be or not to be that is a...
   Answer: Question
9. 'A Tale of a Tub' is a famous work by...
   Answer: Jonathan Swift
10. 'To spend too much time in studies is sloth' is a quotation by...
   Answer: Francis Bacon
11. 'Lady Chaterley's Lover' is a novel written by...
   Answer: David Herbert Lawrence
12. Poet and man of medicine...
   Answer: John Keats
13. 'The paths of glory lead but to the grave' is a quotation by...
   Answer: Thomas Grey
14. Troilus and Cressida is a drama written by...
   Answer: William Shakespeare
15. The poet of poets in English literature...
   Answer: Edmund Spenser


1. Our sweetest songs are those that tell of the saddest thought...
   Answer: P.B. Shelley
2. Truth is daughter of time not of authority...
   Answer: Francis Bacon
3. 'Brevity is the soul of wit' is a quotation by...
   Answer: William Shakespeare
4. Who questions much, shall learn much and retain much...
   Answer: Francis Bacon
5. The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall...
   Answer: Nelson Mandela
6. 'A good friend will always stab you in the front' is quoted by...
   Answer: Oscar Wile
7. The great object of life is sensation to feel that we exist, even though in pain' quoted by...
   Answer: Lord Byron

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