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Appropriate Preposition |
1. Access to (প্রবেশাধিকার) - I have access to the principal.
2. Absent from (অনুপস্থিত থাকা) - They were absent from school.
3. Alive to (সমজাতীয়) - We should be alive to our problems.
4. According to (অনুসারে) - According to your advice I did it.
5. Accused of (অভিযুক্ত) - He is accused of murder.
6. Based on (ভিত্তি থাকা) - Your comments are not based on fact.
7. Beg for (প্রার্থনা করা) - He begged me for the favour.
8. Believe in (বিশ্বাস করা) -I don't believe in his honesty.
9. Bad at (অদক্ষ) - I am not bad at tennis.
10. Boast to (অহংকার করা) - Don't boast to your beauty.
11. By heart (মুখান্থ) - He burnt the poem by heart.
12. Care for (যত্ন করা) - He always care for me.
13. Complain to (কারো কাছে অভিযোগ করা) -They complained to the headmaster.
14. Complain against (কারো বিরুদ্ধে অভিযোগ করা) - The complain against the headmaster.
15. Charge against অেভিযোগ) - What is the charge against him?
16. Compare to (অদৃশ্য নয় এমন জিনিসের সাথে তুলনা করা) - Anger is often compared to fire.
17. Catch at (আঁকড়ে ধরা) - A drowning man catch at a strow.
18. Cause for (কারণ) - I have no cause for anxiety.
19. Control over (নিয়ন্ত্রন করা) - He has no control over himself.
20. Count upon (নির্ভর করা) - I count upon your help.
21. Deal in (ব্যবসা করা) - He deals in crop.
22. Demand for (চাহিদা) - He has no demand for this.
23. Depend on (নির্ভর করা) - He depends on me.
24. Deprive of (বঞ্চিত) - They have deprived of all power.
25. Different from (ভিন্ন) - My hobby is different from you.
26. Desire for (আকাঙ্ক্ষা) - They have desire for wealth.
27. Deliver to (সপে দেয়া) - Deliver the letter to him.
28. Easy in (সরল) - Our principal is easy in approach.
29. Eligible for (যোগ্য) - He is eligible for the post.
30. Envoy of (ঈর্ষা) - We have no envoy of them.
31. Envious of (ঈর্শান্বিত) - I am not envious of your wealth.
32. Explain to (ব্যাখা করা) - I explained my plan to him.
33. Engaged in (নিযুক্ত হওয়া) - I am engaged in work.
34. Entrust to (বিশ্বাস করে দেয়া) - Government has been entrusted to elected politicians.
35. Expert in (সুদক্ষ) - He is expert in music.
36. Faith in (বিশ্বাস) - He has faith in his servant.
37. Familiar to (সুপরিচিত) - He is familiar to me.
38. Fail in (ব্যর্থ হওয়া) - Almost everyone fails in passing his drivers on the first day.
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Prepositions Signifying Time |
40. Full of (ভর্তি) - The glass is full of water.
41. Fond of (পছন্দ করা) - She is fond of milk.
42. Good at (দক্ষ) - I am not good at translation.
43. Guilty of (দোষী) - He is guilty of robbery.
44. Grateful to (কৃতজ্ঞ) - He is grateful to me.
45. Give into (বশ্যতা স্বীকার করা) - The government gave into demands of the people.
46. Hope of/for (আশা) - He has no hope of success.
47. Hide from (লুকানো) - The thief hide from the police.
48. Interest in (আগ্রহ) - I have no interest in history.
49. Introduce to (পরিচিত করানো) - He introduced the visitor to me.
50. Invite to (নিমন্ত্রণ করা) - He invited me to dinner.
51. Join to (যোগ দেয়া) - I shall join to my work tomorrow.
52. Kind to (দয়ালু) - The rich should be kind to the poor.
53. Keep on (রাখা) - Keep the book on the table.
54. Know about (জ্ঞাত থাকা) - I don't know about it.
55. Knock at (ধাক্কা দেয়া) - The examination knocked at the door.
56. Lack of (অভাব) - He has lack of money.
57. Laugh at (ঠাট্টা করা) - We should bot laugh at the poor.
58. Live in (বাস করা) - Man live in society.
59. Live on (জীবন ধারণ করা) - The cow lives on grass.
60. Lit with (আলোকিত) - Now-a-days many villages are lit with electricity.
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Appropriate Preposition Test |
62. Look after (দেখাশুনা করা) - Mother looks after her child.
63. Look at (তাকানো) - Look at me.
64. Made of (তৈরি) - The ornament is made of gold.
65. Need of (প্রয়োজনীয়তা) - He is in need of money.
66. Object to (আপত্তি) - He objects to having to go so many parties.
67. Opposed to (বিরুদ্ধে) - He is opposed to my proposal.
68. Opposite to (বিপরীত) - Your idea is opposite to mine.
69. Owe to (ঋণী হওয়া) - I owe to my teacher.
70. On TV (টেলিভিশনে) - We watch football matches on TV.
71. Play on (বাজানো) - He played on piano.
72. Proficiency in (দক্ষতা) - A prize was awarded to him for proficiency in music.
73. Popular with (জনপ্রিয়) - He is popular with all.
74. Quick at (পটু) - Sheela is quick at understanding.
75. Reliant on (নির্ভণশীল) - Most young people would like to be less reliant on their parents.
76. Resign to (আত্মসমর্পণ করা) - I resign myself to fate.
77. Responsible to (দায়ী) - We are responsible to Allah.
78. Road to (উপায়) - There is no royal road to learning.
79. Refer to (ইঙ্গিত করা) - The patient has referred to another hospital.
80. Suffer from (কষ্ট পা্ওয়া) - He is suffering from fever.
81. Satisfied with (সন্তুষ্ট) - I am satisfied with him.
82. Save from (রক্ষা করা) - Parents should save their children from spoiling.
83. Sorry for (দুঃখিত) - I am sorry for that.
84. Taste for (রুচি) - She has no taste for music.
85. True to (বিশ্বস্ত) - He is true to his boss.
86. Trust in (বিশ্বাস) - We trust in Allah.
87. Vote for (ভোট দেয়া) - He voted for Akber.
88. Visit to (পরিদর্শন) - Chairman visited to the college.
89. Wake up (ঘুম থেকে উঠা) - Wake up at early in the morning.
90. Weak in (কাঁচা/দুর্বল) - He is weak in English.
91. Zealous for (আগ্রহী) - He is zealous for promotion.
We think if you read all appropriate preposition by heart, you can get common some preposition in your examination.
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