What is Coronavirus?
Corona is a group of related viruses. It mainly affect in respiratory. Create infection respiratory and tract in here. This virus can range two types which mild & lethal. In Mild illnesses involve some cases of the common cold. Lethal is cause an upper respiratory tract disease. It can cause MERS, COVID-19 and SARS.

What is the meaning of Coronavirus?
It is derived from Latin word corona which meaning is 'Wreath', 'Hole' or 'Crown'. In Greek it borrowing from 'garland, wreath'. Which refers to solar corona, it's covered in clubshaped protein.

When Coronavirus Discovery?
It 1st discovered in 1930 as infectious brochitis virus. In 1940, we saw it as transmissible gastroenteritis virus & mouse hepatitis virus.

When this virus was affected in Human?
In 1960s, first time discover in human symptoms with common cold which later were named human coronavirus OC43 & human coronavirus 229E. Which identified in 2003 as SARS CoV, in 2004 as HCoV NL63, in 2005 as HKU1, in 2012 as MERS CoV, in 2019 as SARS CoV 2. In present we call it COVID-19 or Novel Coronavirus.

Life Cycle of Coronavirus:
Entry Level: In beginning it is Infection when the viral spike glycoprotein attache with its harmonize host cell receptor. After affixation, a peptidase of the host cell and activates the receptor-affixat spike protein.
Replication Level: In this level many nonstructural adn structural proteins coalesce to form a different protein replicase transcriptase complex.
Release Level: In this stage positive-sense genomic becomes to be genome of the progeny virus. The Progeny viruses will now release from the host cell by exocytosis from secretory vesicles.

Symptoms of Corona:
It's like as flu. The affected person will feel fever, tiredness, dry cough, he/she feel difficult to breathing in more severe cases, in some time he/she may have runny nose, diarrhea, aches and pains, nasal congestion & sore throat.

How is most risk for this virus?
Of all ages people can infect by COVID-19. Younger people can survive with it, but older people can't survive specially which are affected in different disease as like heart disease, asthma, diabetes. But WHO (World Health Organization) gives advises to all people of all ages need to take steps to protect themselves from this virus.

For Know More Information about COVID-19 visit World Health Organization Official Website:

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