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idioms and phrases |
1. Fall among (happen to come among, মধ্যে আসিয়া পড়া) : He fell among misery.
2. Fall at (show disappointment, নৈরাশ্যভাব দেখানো) : He fell disappointed at the news of his failure.
3. Fall back upon (have recourse to, অন্যপথ গ্রহণ করা) : We fell back upon a new line.
4. Fall from (come out, বাহির হওয়া) : Water is falling from the pot.
5. Fall in with (agree with, একমত হওয়া) : I fell in with him on the issue.
6. Fall off (decline, কমিয়া যাওয়া) : The price of rice has fallen off.
7. Fall on (attack, আক্রমন করা) : They fell on the enemy.
8. Fall out (quarrel, কলহ করা) : We should not fall out among us.
9. Fall through (fall, ব্যর্থ হওয়া) : He fell through examination.
10. Fall in or up (complete, পূরণ করা) : Please, fill in the gaps.
11. Find out (detect, খুঁজিয়া বাহির করা) : I must find out my brother.
12. Flop down (শুয়ে পড়া) : Della flopped down on the coach.
13. Get at (reach, হাতের নাগালে পা্ওয়া) : We cannot get at night.
14. Get away (escape, পলায়ন করা) : The fox got away to see the dog.
14. Get back (ফিরে আসা) : He got back home at night.
15. Get by (pass, পাশ দিয়া যাওয়া) : They got by the river.
16. Get down (descend) : Nazma got down the train.
17. Get hold of (হস্তগত করা) : He got hold of a member of novels.
18. Get into (ascend, উঠা) : The students are getting into the bus.
19. Get off (escape, পালানো) : We should not get off in danger.
20. Get on (proceed, অগ্রসর হওয়া) : I am getting on my studies well.
21. Get out (go out, বাহির হওয়া) : Get out of the house.
22. Get over (overcome, অতিক্রম করা) : I want to get over the problem.
23. Get through (succeed, লাভ করা) : He got through business.
24. Get up (rise, শয্যা ত্যাগ করা) : He gets up early in the morning.
25. Give away (make over, বিতরণ করা) : The Headmaster gave away the prizes among the students.
26. Give in (yield, বশ্যতা স্বীকার করা) : The opposition gave in at last.
27. Give off (send out, নি:সৃত করা) : The motor car is giving off carbon Di-oxide.
28. Give out (disclose, প্রকাশ করা) : He gave out the plan to start a farm.
29. Give over (stop, বন্ধ হওয়া) : We should give over the unnecessary expenses.
30. Give up (abandon, পরিত্যাগ করা) : Everybody should give up smoking.
31. Go about (move about, ঘুরিয়া বেড়ানো) : He is always going about for nothing.
32. Go after (follow, পশ্চাদ্ধাবন করা) : His enemy went after him.
33. Go against (oppose, বিরুদ্ধে যাওয়া) : We should not go against the interest of the country.
34. Go away (leave the place, প্রস্থান করা) : He went away with all he had.
35. Go back 0n (withdraw, হাটিয়া আসা) : We should go back on the way.
36. Go beyond (exceed, অতিক্রম করা) : He went beyond the crisis.
37. Go by (act according to, অনুসারে চলা) : Alam is going by the will of father.
38. Go far (সফলতা লাভ করা) : Razon will go far in politics.
39. Go for (কোন কিছুর দিকে অগ্রসর হওয়া) : Every man should go for success.
40. Go in for (sit for, প্রতিযোগিতা করা) : He is going in for the BCS examination.
41. Go off (be fired or be thrown, ছুটিয়া যাওয়া) : The offer will be gone off.
42. Go on (continue, চালাইয়া যাওয়া) : Go on with your plan.
43. Go over (change, পরিবর্তন করা) : Shahjahan Siraj went over to BNP.
44. Go through (bear, সহ্য করা) : He has gone through many difficulties.
45. Go up (increase, বৃদ্ধি পাওয়া) : The price of rice has gone up a great deal.
46. Go with (agree, একমতে চলা) : I like to go with you.
47. Go without (live without, অভাবে কাটানো) : The poor are going without food.
48. Grow out (বড় হওয়ার সাথে সাথে ত্যাগ করা) : If he had any sense, he would grow out of it.
49. Hand on (সঁপে দেওয়া) : Hand your pen to me.
50. Hand over (place someone or something at the custody of some other, কাহারো হাতে তুলিয়া দেওয়া) : New DC was handed over the charge.
51. Hang about (remain near, আশেপাশে ঘুরিয়া বেড়ানো) : The invigilator is hanging about the examine.
52. Hang by (put to death by hanging) : The criminal was hanged by the rope.
53. Hang for (put to death by hanging, ফাঁসি দেওয়া) : He was hanged for the crime.
54. Hang on (depend upon, নির্ভর করা) : I don't want to hang on other.
55. Hang up (delay, দেরি করানো) : You should not hang up the decision.
56. Hang up (put up, ঝুলানো) : Dina hang up the picture on the wall.
57. Hold back (hide, গোপন রাথা) : Please don't hold back the news from me.
58. Hold in (check, সংযত রাখা) : You should hold in your anger.
59. Hold out (offer or promise, প্রতিশ্রুতি দেওয়া) : He held out his hand.
60. Hold over (postpone, স্থগিত রাখা) : The meeting is held over.
61. Hold up (delay, দেরী করা) : Don't hold up me unnecessarily.
62. In a hurry (তাড়াহুড়া করা) : Do the work in a hurry.
63. In a row (একটানা) : I finished the book in a row.
64. In answer to (জবাবে) : She wrote me in answer to my letter.
65. In any case (যাই হোক না কেন) : I shall go there in any case.
66. In bloom (পুষ্পিত) : At that time the trees were in bloom.
67. In case of (ঘটলে) : In case of your failure, i shall help you.
68. In fact (প্রকৃতপক্ষে) : In fact. he is a good man.
69. In front of (সম্মখে) : There is a big pond in front of our college.
70. In place of (পরিবর্তে) : I eat bread in place of rice.
71. In stead of (পরিবর্তে) : He came back in stead of going away.
72. In texture (বুননি) : The sound of the cry was in texture.
73. In the habit of (অভ্যস্ত) : He is in the habit of too much talking.
74. In the least (সবচেয়ে কম) : She is not in the least sorry.
75. In the long run (পরিনামে) : You have to suffer in the long run.
76. In the twilight (চন্দ্রালোকে) : He went away home in the twilight.
77. Keep at (stick to, লাগিয়া থাকা) : Keep at your business.
78. Keep away (remain at a distance from, দূরে থাকা বা রাখা) : Keep away him from doing harming.
79. Keep body and soul together (কোন মতে বেঁচে থাকা) : Mr. Rahim earned some money to keep body and soul together.
80. Keep down (control, সংযত রাখা) : He wanted to keep down his anger.
81. Keep in (prevent from going out, ঘরের ভিতরে থাকা) : He always keeps in house.
82. Keep off (remain at a distance, দূরে থাকা/রাখা) : Keep off him from evil company.
83. Keep on (continue, চালাইয়া যাওয়া) : Keep on your studies.
84. Keep up with (keep pace with, সমান তালে চলা) : Try to keep up with your good friends. L
85. Lay aside (keep apart, সরাইয়া রাখা) : Lay aside something for the future.
86. Lay before (place, পেশ করা) : You should rather lay it before the council.
89. Lay by (save, সঞ্চয় করা) : Lay by something for the old age.
90. Lay down (sacrifice, বিসর্জন দেওয়া) : Lay down your life for the sake of the country.
91. Lay in (store, জমাইয়া রাখা) : Food grain should be laid in for the future.
92. Lay off (dismiss temporarily, সামরিকভাবে কর্মচ্যুত করা) : Please don't lay off you industry.
93. Lay on (put, রাখা) : Lay your book on the table.
94. Lay out (invest, খাটানো) : He laid out his money.
95. Lay up with (be confined to bed, শয্যাশাযী হওয়া) : She laid up with fever.
96. Lay with (cover, ঢাকা দেওয়া) : Nazma laid the table with a cloth.
97. Learn by heart (মুখস্থ করা) : Learn the poem by heart.
98. Learnt by heart (মুখস্থ করা) : I have learnt the poem by heart.
99. Leave off (থামা) : When will you leave off playing?
100. Listen to (শোনা) : Listen to what your teachers say.
101. Look about (পর্যবেক্ষন করা) : The inspector looked about the matter very well.
102. Look across (আড়াআড়িভাবে দেখা) : They locked across the river.
103. Look after (take care of, দেখাশুনা করা) :We should look after our parents.
104. Look at (gaze, তাকানো) : Look at the picture.
105. Look down upon (hate, ঘৃণা করা) : Don't look down upon the poor.
106. Look for (search, খোঁজা) : I am looking for a book.
107. Look into (examine, তদন্ত করা) : The police looked into the matter.
108. Look on or upon (consider, গণ্য করা) : I look on you as one of my intimate friends.
109. Look over (examine, পরীক্ষা করা) : The committee looked over the applications.
110. Look through (inspect carefully, ভালোভাবে পরীক্ষা করা) : The publisher looked through the book.
111. Look up (rise in price, দ্রব্যমূল্য বৃদ্ধি হওয়া) : The prices of vegetable have looked up.
Idioms and Phrases (A to D)
Idioms and Phrases (M to R)
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